As a long time participant in capitalism, I am sympathetic to your sentiment but feel compelled to point the blind spot most fervent defenders of capitalism forget.
Capitalism's strength is also it's Achille's Heel. It's fundamental driving forces are competition and the profit motive. The goal of every business is to decrease cost and increase revenue while producing goods and services that are demanded by the marketplace. Being effective at this task results in higher profit. Being ineffective results in failed businesses. Adam Smith's "Invisible Hand" at work.
But we should remember that the overarching intent behind free market capitalism is not profit for profit's sake. At a macro level, the maximization of profit is only useful if it produces a better overall standard of living for human beings. As long as it does that better than the alternatives, it's a defensible choice.
Since the beginning of the Industrial Age, the profit motive has been increasingly driving us toward substituting machines for people. It's not a surprise. Technology is decreasing the cost of production exponentially. The incremental cost of producing one more virtual Kindle book or to stream one more episode of Yellowstone is close to $0. The logical conclusion of this march toward the substution of technology for human effort is massively increasing profit for the owners of capital and, at the same time, a shringking human workforce. Capitalism eating it's own tail. Unless capitalists figure out a solution to that problem the party will soon be over.