You, (and many before you) have done a pretty good job of listing the range of challenges facing the world today. However, lamenting that it’s all the fault of conservative mind think is wrong. More importantly, the idea that all we need to do is to rally the left and overwhelm the right with more enlightened governance is exactly what has gotten us into the mess we are in.
It’s a mistake to look at conservative thought as stemming from an evil place. Right and Left, Conservative and Liberal are not a measure of good and evil (or the inverse). It is, instead, how society steps forward without moving so fast it falls down. Conservative thought today would have been viewed as highly liberal 100 years ago. Much of what is liberal thought today would be simply unacceptable in 1919. A healthy balance between the two is what allows forward movement without tearing the fabric of society.
Demonizing the right was one of the main factors that got us in the situation we find ourselves today. Continuing to do so will only add more fuel to the fire. As Andrew Yang says, Not Left, Not Right but Forward!