Well said!
The best example of college as scam I know of is in performing arts. Pre-Covid there were about 1000 colleges in the U.S. where you could pursue a degree in Drama, Theater, Acting, Musical Theatre, etc. Every one touts incorrect and misleading statistics about employability and income levels.
The truth is that professional union members (AEA, SAG/Aftra, etc) enjoy about an 85% effective annual unemployment rate. For the 15% who did manage to book work, the median income from professional was about $7,500 per year. These are pre-covid stats.
Contrast those metrics with the dollars spend and borrowed to get a degree only to discover that most of what was taught was relatively impotent in helping to establish a sustainable career and you can see just how disconnected higher education is from reality.
Time for a different paradigm.
Many disciplines, performing arts being one, are better served by small, conservatory, skills focused programs, apprenticeships and paid internships.