We seem to be living in a time when the need to demonize those with whom we disagree is overpowering.
Most modern societies place restrictions on when killing is acceptable. Military conflicts, self defense, murder, capital punishment, physician assisted suicide are all issues where we debate what is allowed and what is not and use the power of prosecution to attempt to ensure compliance.
The root cause of conflict over abortion is the inconvenient truth that it’s impossible to define the exact moment when a mass of growing cells becomes a human being worthy of legal protection against killing. Thus, it is by definition illogical for anyone to believe that we have the capacity to reach a “right” answer. The best we can do is reach a compromise while holding sympathy for the remaining moral hazard everyone must live with. To believe otherwise is folly.
The real effect of trying to simplify this debate down to one or two identity based tropes is for those on the other side to do the same. The end result, is civil war.