Unfortunately, all arguments for or against the abortion issue (including yours) presume there is an answer that is both logical, determinative and defensible. There isn't. It is an existential question that always resolves into a paradox. No matter what position you happen to take someone will eventually find a contradiction grounded in flawed logic.
Specific to your main point, there are 38 States that have some variation of fetal infanticide laws on the books. These make it a prosecutable crime if a fetus dies due to the action of a third party. Homicide of the mother, accidents, battery, etc. Even states with the most liberal abortion laws are included. For example, in Vermont, one can have an abortion at any time up to birth. Yet if the death of the fetus were caused by domestic violence the day before a scheduled abortion, the perpetrator could legally be charged with ending the"life" of the unborn. A capital offence.
It's always a question of perspective. Where you come down on the issue depends entirely on which truths you choose to ignore and what conjectures you choose to believe.
In short, it is an enigma. Until we all treat it as such we'll continue to treat each other as an evil force to be conquered.