This is huge.
The accelerating substitution of machine labour for human labour is breaking the conventional connection between human work and income.
Today, society largely measures the value of human contributions by the size of a paycheck or, in the case of passive investment, size of aggregate wealth. As machines replace humans income moves toward the owners of capital equiptment and away from humans. The result? Increased wealth for the 1% at the expense of a lower standard of living for the 99%
At some point, there is a collapse in demand for the goods and services the machine labour is producing since human income has declined. We are left with a new world of declining population, UBI for the remaining masses, and a small ruling class.
Perhaps we should stop measuring the value of human endevour by the size of a paycheck. In a post-industrial age we need a new measure of value. Otherwise we will need to put humans on the Endangered Species List sooner than later.