If you include the disruptive impact of technology on the supply/demand curve for human labour in the discussion things change quite a bit.
At some point in the future we'll be living in a world where virtually all goods and services can be produced cheaper, faster and better by machine labour. Thus far, it's been a rather stealthy transition but it's beginning to become more obvious as AI, IOT, etc. substitutes for higher cost human labour in occupations traditionally thought immune.
When the parking attendant is replaced by a kiosk it makes a ripple. But when AI can do a better job of programming, reading a CT scan, or doing legal research than a human it becomes a wave.
UBI, or something similar will be necessary as we transition into a new socioeconomic paradigm. Otherwise, the social disruption will be like nothing ever seen before. We may have already reached the tipping point. Witness the dynamics that brought Donald Trump victory in 2016. He may be gone but the dynamics are not.
Universal Basic Education cannot lift marginalized humans out of poverty when the demand for human labour continues to decline. Also, it is already well on its way. If you are connected to the internet, knowledge is ubiquitous. It's wisdom that's in short supply.
We must begin to rethink the value of human endeavor and realize that when machines are increasingly substituted for humans we have invented ourselves out of a job. We have to begin compensating human effort in areas that have heretofore gone unrecognized because they didn't contribute in a measurable way to the bottom line profitability of a publicly held corporation.
Creativity, art, compassion, inspiration, respect and wisdom must be the new currency.
It's going to be an interesting Century. We ain't seen nothing yet.