As a native Vermonter, I must defend my State. When I was growing up in the 1950's and 1960s my entire sense of what Asian food was like came from my Mother. Occasionally, she would make something she'd call "Chop Suey". Which was, basically macaroni, ground beef and tomato sauce. Go figure.
Only slightly more authentic was her "Chicken Chow Mein" consisting of chicken, celery, La Choi noodles and some sort of concoction that had soy sauce as one of it's ingredients. It probably would have been a bit more more edible with a splash of maple syrup but I digress.
So, the idea that during my lifetime, waitstaff at a Thai restaurant in Vermont could shame anyone is very amusing indeed. I have to believe the waitstaff in question was not born in Vermont. Although native Vermonters are not know for being particularly outgoing we are quite friendly and abhor any kind of "wokeness",
By the way, I do quite like the Tiny Thai restaurant. Next time you're back I hope you'll give it another try.